When you use an e-mail client like MS Outlook, the mail client makes all of them for you, however when you make a script and want it send e-mail for alerting, it is not possible to do it with an e-mail client. So, a script like below will solve your issue; here, I do not write explanation of some of the lines since most of the variable names are explaining what it is used for.
########### SMTP SERVER AND MAIL SETTINGS #############
$smtpServer = "smtp.secureeoposts.blogspot.com"
$smtpPort = 587 #It depends according to your smtp server
$sslEnabled= $true #If your smtp server does not support secure connections,
#you have to delete this line
$username = sender@secureeo.blogspot.com
$password = "************" #Type your password here
$from = sender@secureeo.blogspot.com
$to = receipent@secureeo.blogspot.com
$subject = "Test e-mail with Powershell"
$body = "This is a test e-mail sending with using Powershell"
############### E-MAIL SETTINGS ###############
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer, $smtpPort)
$smtp.sslEnabled = $sslEnabled #If your smtp server does not support secure
#connections, you have to delete this line
$smtp.Credentials = new-object Net.NetworkCredential($username, $password)
$msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
$msg.From = $from
$msg.Subject = $subject
$msg.Body = $body
$attachFile = "C:\Users\securityposts_PC\Desktop\email_test\email_test.PNG"
$att = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($attachFile)
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