
Getting hostname from an IP address list with PowerShell

To get the list of hostnames of a network, first create a txt file with includes one ip address in each line (ip_list.txt). You can get the hostname list (hostname_list.txt) of the IP addresses that you wrote in the ip_list.txt file with using the script below;
get-content C:\ip_list.txt | foreach-object{([system.net.Dns]::GetHostByAddress
($_)).hostname >> "C:\hostname_list.txt"

If you also want to see the IP addresses that cannot be resolved, you can use the script below;

get-content C:\ip_list.txt | foreach-object{$a=([system.net.Dns]::GetHostByAddress
if($? -eq $False) {
add-content C:\hostname_list.txt $_, "Cannot resolve hostname"," "

elseif($? -eq $True){
add-content C:\hostname_list.txt $_,$a," "

We made a tiny application and published it in sourceforge for resolving hostnames from an IP Address list, and for the opposite of it. Hope you like it.

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